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Western Railway
Supply of dolutegravir 50 mg, lamivudine 300mg, tenofovir desoproxil 300mg ]
Antiviral drugs,Drugs for inducing labor
chandrapur Tenders, maharashtra Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 09/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Employees State Insurance Corporation
Expression of interest for empanelment of insured allopathic doctors, chemists and diagnostic centres under mimp for medical facilities to esi beneficiaries of rajasthan region-a) listed diagnostic tests & procedures prescribed by esic: haemoglobin, leucocyte count, differential; dlc, leucocyte count, total; tlc; wbc count, total, esr (westergren); erythrocyte sedimentation rate, glucose, fasting (f), glucose, post prandial (pp, 2 hours), glucose, random(r), glucose, fasting (f) & post prandial (pp, 2 hours), protein, sodium, creatinine in 24-hour urine, urea, blood, creatinine, serum, bilirubin, total, malaria parasite/ blood parasite identification, smear examination, routine, peripheral blood, pregnancy test, urine, urine microscopic examination, urine m/e, urine routine examination, urine r/e, urine examination for rbcs, urine examination, albumin, urine examination, bilirubin, urine examination, ketone bodies, protein, total, 24-hour urine, blood urea nitrogen, urobilinogen, qualitative, early morning sample, urine, electrocardiography in 12 leads, ecg in 12 leads, electrocardiography with long ii lead, ecg with long ii, x ray abdomen, axr ap view, x ray abdomen, axr lateral view, x ray abdomen, axr straight, kub view, x ray chest, cxr ap view, x ray chest, cxr left oblique view, x ray chest, cxr right oblique view, x ray chest, cxr lateral view, x ray chest, cxr pa view, x ray skull ap view, x ray skull ap and lateral views, x ray skull lateral view, x ray skull pa view, x ray skull pa and lateral views, x ray cervical spine ap and lateral views, x ray cervical spine ap view, x ray cervical spine lateral view, x ray cervical spine left oblique view, x ray cervical spine pa and lateral views, x ray cervical spine pa view, x ray cervical spine right oblique view, x ray dorsal spine pa view, x ray dorsal spine ap view, x ray dorsal spine lateral view, x ray dorsal spine right oblique view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine left oblique view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine ap view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine lateral view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine right oblique view, x ray lumbar spine ap and lateral views, x ray lumbar spine ap view, x ray lumbar spine lateral view, x ray lumbar spine left oblique view, x ray lumbar spine right oblique view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine ap view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine lateral view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine left oblique view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine right oblique view, x ray sacro-iliac joint ap view, x ray sacro-iliac joint lateral view, x ray sacro-iliac joint left oblique view, x ray sacro-iliac joint right oblique view, x ray shoulder ap and lataral views left, x ray shoulder ap and lataral views right, x ray shoulder ap view left, x ray shoulder ap view right, x ray shoulder axillary view left, x ray shoulder axillary view right, x ray shoulder lateral view left, x ray shoulder lateral view right, x ray hip ap view left, x ray hip ap view right, x ray hip lateral view left, x ray hip lateral view right, x ray knee ap and lateral views left, x ray knee ap and lateral views right, x ray knee ap view left, x ray knee ap view right, x ray knee ap view, standing left, x ray knee ap view, standing right, x ray knee lateral view left, x ray knee lateral view right, x ray ankle ap and lateral views left, x ray ankle ap and lateral views right, x ray ankle ap view left, x ray ankle ap view right, x ray ankle lateral view left, x ray ankle lateral view right, x ray foot ap view left, x ray foot ap view right, x ray foot lateral view left, x ray foot lateral view right, x ray foot oblique view left, x ray foot oblique view right, x ray hand ap view left, x ray hand ap view right, x ray hand oblique view left, x ray hand oblique view right, x ray elbow ap and lateral views left, x ray elbow ap and lateral views right, x ray elbow ap view left, x ray elbow ap view right, x ray elbow lateral view right, x ray elbow lateral view left, x ray pelvis ap view, x ray patella ap view left, x ray patella ap view right, x ray patella lateral view left, x ray patella lateral view right, x ray pns om view, x ray radius and ulna ap view left, x ray radius and ulna ap view right, x ray radius and ulna lateral view left, x ray radius and ulna lateral view right, x ray femur ap view left, x ray femur ap view right, x ray femur ap, lateral views left, x ray femur ap, lateral views right, x ray femur lateral view left, x ray femur lateral view right, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap view left, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap view right, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap, lateral views left, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap, lateral viewsright, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula lateral view left, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula lateral view right, x ray arm ap and lateral views left, x ray arm ap and lateral views right, x ray arm ap view left, x ray arm ap view right, x ray arm lateral view left, x ray arm lateral view right, x ray wrist ap view left, x ray wrist ap view right, x ray wrist lateral view left, x ray wrist lateral view right, x ray wrist oblique view left, x ray wrist oblique view right, x ray finger lateral view left, x ray finger lateral view right, x ray finger oblique view left, x ray finger oblique view right, x ray finger, ap view, left, x ray finger, ap view, right, x ray thumb ap view left, x ray thumb ap view right, x ray thumb lateral view left, x ray thumb lateral view right, x ray thumb oblique view left, x ray thumb oblique view right, x ray toes ap view left, x ray toes ap view right, x ray toes oblique view left, x ray toes oblique view right, b) esic essential drug : caps/tab - anti, coagulants/antithrombotics, caps/tab - anti, coagulants/antithrombotics, caps/tab - anti, coagulants/antithrombotics, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - drugs acting on joints, caps/tab - drugs acting on joints, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension – antibiotics, caps/tab - beta blockers, caps/tab - beta blockers, caps/tab - hypolipidaemic drug, caps/tab - hypolipidaemic drug, caps/tab - hypolipidaemic drug, caps/tab – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension – antibiotics, lotion - scabicides/ pediculocides, & anti-dandruff, caps/tab – minerals, caps/tab – minerals, caps/tab - allergic disorders, syrup/suspension - allergic, disorders, caps/tab - anti-malarial, syrup/suspension - antimalarial, caps/tab - allergic disorders, syrup/suspension - allergic, disorders, caps/tab – vitamins, sachet – vitamins, caps/tab – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension – antibiotics, eye drops – eye, cream/oint/gel – eye, caps/tab - local drugs for, vagina and cervix, cream/oint/gel - topical, antifungal, ear drops – ear, caps/tab – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension - antibiotics, caps/tab – corticosteroids, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, inj - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - antispasmodic/drugs, modifying intestinal motility, syrup/suspension - antispasmodic/, drugs modifying, intestinal motility, caps/tab - anti emetics, syrup/suspension - anti emetics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension – antibiotics, caps/tab -, haematinics/erythropoieti, cs, syrup/suspension - haematinics/, erythropoietics, caps/tab - vaso, constrictor/migraine, caps/tab - vaso, constrictor/migraine, caps/tab – vitamins, cream/oint/gel - anti infective, preparations, caps/tab – diuretics, syrup/suspension - urinary, system, inj – diuretics, eye drops – eye, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab – diuretics, caps/tab – diuretics, caps/tab - antispasmodic/drugs, modifying intestinal, motility, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, syrup/suspension - nonopoid, analgesic, caps/tab - anti-anginal drugs, caps/tab - anti-anginal drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab – anthelmintics, syrup/suspension - anthelmintics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension – antibiotics, caps/tab – antibiotics, syrup/suspension – antibiotics, sachet - rehydration salts, caps/tab - non-opioid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opioid analgesic, syrup/suspension - nonopioid, analgesic, syrup/suspension - nonopioid, analgesic, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, syrup/suspension - anti, convulsants, syrup/suspension - anti, convulsants, caps/tab – corticosteroids, caps/tab – corticosteroids, caps/tab – corticosteroids, syrup/suspension -, corticosteroids, syrup/suspension -, corticosteroids, caps/tab - anti-malarial, caps/tab - anti-malarial, caps/tab - anti-malarial, caps/tab - beta blockers, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - h2 blockers and ulcer, healing drugs, syrup/suspension - h2 blockers, and ulcer healing drugs, caps/tab – bronchodilators, caps/tab – bronchodilators, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, inhaler – inhalers, cream/oint/gel - anti infective, preparations, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab – anti convulsants, syrup/suspension - anti, convulsants, caps/tab – diuretics, caps/tab – diuretics, eye drops – eye, eye drops – eye, vaccine – vaccine, caps/tab - haemostatics/, coagulants, caps/tab – vitamins, caps/tab – vitamins, caps/tab – vitamins, syrup/suspension – vitamins, nose drops – nose, nose drops – nose, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, decongestants/antihistami, nic, syrup/suspension -, decongestants/antihistami, nic, syrup/suspension -, decongestants/antihistami, nic, syrup/suspension - expectorant, syrup/suspension - expectorant, syrup/suspension - expectorant, syrup/suspension - expectorant, syrup/suspension - expectorant, syrup/suspension - expectorant, syrup/suspension - expectorant, syrup/suspension -,,
Business associations,Medical Equipments,Drugs for inducing labor
pan india Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 19/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Health And Family Welfare Department
Supply of drugs, lab chemicals and consumables to general hospital kadur chikkamagaluru
Other Chemicals,Surgical equipment & accessories & related products,Drugs for inducing labor
chikmagalur Tenders, karnataka Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 16/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
All India Institute of Ayurveda
Tender document for procurement of ayurvedic raw drugs
Herbal drugs
new delhi Tenders, delhi Tenders
Estd. value: 1.9 Crores
Due Date: 23/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Kerala State Drugs And Pharmaceuticals Limited
Supply of salbutamol sulphate ip-100 kg
Antiasthmatic drugs
alappuzha Tenders, kerala Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 11/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
South East Central Railway
Supply of tab. clotrimazole 100 mg(vaginal)(kit of 6 tablet) ]
Antifungal drugs,Drugs for inducing labor
nagpur Tenders, maharashtra Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 17/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Northern Railway
Supply of tab theophylline 400mg ]
Drugs for inducing labor,Antiasthmatic drugs
pan india Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 19/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
South East Central Railway
Supply of tablet famotidine 40 mg ]
Drugs for inducing labor,Antiulcer & related gastrointestinal GI drugs
nagpur Tenders, maharashtra Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 19/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
South East Central Railway
Supply of clotrimazole 1% mouth paint ]
Antifungal drugs
nagpur Tenders, maharashtra Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 19/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
North Bengal Medical College and Hospital
Supply of harris hematoxylin
Drugs for inducing labor
siliguri Tenders, west bengal Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 06/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society
Supply of naco coe melt bmr requirements ictc centers.
Nutritious foods & drugs
karnataka Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 20/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Central Railway
Supply of 10264 - levosalbutamol 50 mcg +beclomethasone 50 mcg cfc free ]
Antiasthmatic drugs
bhusawal Tenders, maharashtra Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 09/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
South East Central Railway
Supply of tadalafil 20 mg tab ]
Drugs for inducing labor
raipur Tenders, chhattisgarh Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 06/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
North Western Railway
Supply of povidone iodine 10% ointment min. 15 gm tube ]
Antifungal drugs
jodhpur Tenders, rajasthan Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 09/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
North Eastern Railways
Supply of syp. contains- cetrizine hydrochloride 1mg./ ml , pack size upto 60ml bottle ]
Drugs for inducing labor,Antihistamines or H1 blockers
pan india Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 16/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
National Health Mission
Supply of drugs and medical consumables in generic and other items.
Surgical equipment & accessories & related products,Drugs for inducing labor
gajapati Tenders, odisha Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 02/01/2025
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Kerala State Drugs And Pharmaceuticals Limited
Supply of surgical spirit ip-8000 litres
Alcoholic beverages
alappuzha Tenders, kerala Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 11/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
East Central Railway
Supply of tablet levocetrizine 10 mg ]
Drugs for inducing labor,Antidotes
patna Tenders, bihar Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 16/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
Health And Family Welfare Department
Supply of drugs and consumables to dsu kalaburagi under cphc-uhc 2024-25
Surgical equipment & accessories & related products,Drugs for inducing labor
karnataka Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 12/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
North Central Railway
Supply of analgesic aerosol spray containing diclofenac (item no.2468,ami 2024-25) ]
Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs NSAIDs
uttar pradesh Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 19/12/2024
Last Updated on: 04/12/2024
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Frequently asked questions
What are the top 5 latest Antiviral drugs tenders in India?
There are 50 Antiviral drugs tenders available on our platform, across maharashtra, rajasthan, kerala for you to explore. We add new tenders to the platform every day ensuring that you get access to the latest tenders only. Some of the most-viewed latest Antiviral drugs eTenders you can find are:
What are recently expiring tenders for Antiviral drugs in India?
When applying for government contracts, it is important to keep a check on the opening and closing dates. Since the tendering process today is carried out online, you cannot apply for a relevant tender if you miss the due date. Some of Antiviral drugs online tenders that are expiring soon are:
Which is least value govt. eTender for Antiviral drugs?
It is understandable if you want to explore government contracting opportunities with smaller projects, especially if you are an emerging business/MSME and trying tendering for the first time. On our platform, we have the latest Antiviral drugs tenders, with estimated value as low as ₹ -. Listed below are some of the low-value government Antiviral drugs eTenders in 2024:
Which are the highest value tenders in Antiviral drugs tenders?
As an emerging business trying your hand at government eProcurement opportunities, applying for high-value Antiviral drugs tenders can be a turning point for your business. It will bring credibility to your business and a steady flow of income, and open doors to new opportunities. If relevant, do not miss out on applying to some of the top high value Antiviral drugs eProcurement tenders available:
How to find relevant Antiviral drugs tenders on Tata nexarc portal?
We value time and keep the process of finding relevant tenders quick and simple. As a potential bidder for Antiviral drugs eTenders, simply follow the below mentioned steps: (a) Register on Tata nexarc with business PAN, email id, and other details, (b) Login and create a Tender Watch to set your preferences (e.g., find Antiviral drugs tenders in nagpur, jodhpur, alappuzha ), (c) Update details related to product and/or service, category and more, (d) Search for tenders using keywords for city, state, industry and other fields (e) Select a growth plan and activate subscription for Tenders & Quotations, (f) Get email/SMS alerts on relevant tenders, view documents, and get Antiviral drugs tender information relevant to you.
What are the total live/active tenders available for Antiviral drugs?
We have 50 tenders on the platform to help you in your growth journey. You can use the filter option to find the latest tenders published, the live and active tenders, the ones expiring soon and more. Also, keep check on our email/SMS alerts to ensure that you don not miss an update.
Which cities have the highest number of Antiviral drugs tenders in India?
Tenders for Antiviral drugs are floated by government departments, PSUs, ministries across Indian cities. This not only gives an opportunity for regional small businesses to apply, but also maintains a balance of healthy competition between local and national players. Some of the top Indian cities with Antiviral drugs local tenders are: