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Public Works Department
O/o the chief medical officer, sepahijala district, tripura. 2) construction of gci sheet roofing and flooring including neat cement punning
Roofing & siding & sheet metal work,Civil Works,Flooring Service
tripura Tenders
Estd. value: 28.8 Lakhs
Due Date: 28/11/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Bihar Police Building Construction Corporation
Construction of barrack with electrification work, repair of police station, quarter, gps quarter, repair of tank, drain, roof.
Building Construction,Roofing & siding & sheet metal work,Electrical Services,Drainage services,Tanks
pan india Tenders
Estd. value: 33.1 Lakhs
Due Date: 29/11/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply And Sewerage Board
Reconstruction of collapsed roof slab and construction of room for sewerage staff at ngo colony reservoir premises under ngo colony section, sub division ii of o and m division x(b)/xi
ranga reddy Tenders, telangana Tenders
Estd. value: 3.6 Lakhs
Due Date: 04/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Public Works Department
Repair renovation re-roofing of the court and office of the chief judicial magistrate cum civil judge senior division nicobar, car nicobar.
pan india Tenders
Estd. value: 37.3 Lakhs
Due Date: 17/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Rural Development And Panchayat Raj Department
Sitting arrangement with roof at shamshan ghat at halqa c.s pora block achabal
anantnag Tenders, jammu and kashmir Tenders
Estd. value: 2.4 Lakhs
Due Date: 02/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
East Coast Railway
Proposed repairs to staff quarters such as floorings, doors & windows, sewer lines, septic tanks, roof treatment, ceiling for ac sheet roofing, path way, drain etc at railway colonies at gta, ipm, jpi, spt, bav, mms & psa of khurda road division.
khordha Tenders, odisha Tenders
Estd. value: 2.6 Crores
Due Date: 18/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Department of Small Scale Industries And Export Promotion
- repair and overhauling service - as per bid document; asper bid document; no; buyer premises | msme exemption - no | startup exemption - no
kanpur Tenders, uttar pradesh Tenders
Estd. value: 61.7 Lakhs
Due Date: 07/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Military Engineer Services
Repair maint of roof sheet, false ceiling, roof treatment, rain water pipe, tiling work, periodical work and other connected works at mil stn ajmer
ajmer Tenders, rajasthan Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 16/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Military Engineer Services
Provn of 02 soakage wells bldg no p57and p135 with 900m of sewage line,tiling,false ceiling to bldg no52 icu,60wall mounting fans in or lines and 16geysers 25ltr cap for other rk bathroom in bldg no p47,p239,p295,p300,p200,p306,p307 and p302 of 145 lt
rajasthan Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 11/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited
Replacing of damaged sheet and other civil work at talkatora workshop lucknow
lucknow Tenders, uttar pradesh Tenders
Estd. value: 2 Lakhs
Due Date: 02/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Public Works Department
Repairs to roofing and false ceiling ,flooring and other misc work at reserve police inspector office building police line takali nagpur (rac-2024) (only for unemployed engineers)
nagpur Tenders, maharashtra Tenders
Estd. value: 25.2 Lakhs
Due Date: 03/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Corporation Of Chennai
Providing roofing arrangements to the existing etp plant room in slaughter house at new avadi road in dn-95,u-21,z-8.
chennai Tenders, tamil nadu Tenders
Estd. value: 6.7 Lakhs
Due Date: 04/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Rural Development And Panchayat Raj Department
Mangenahalli village govt junior primary school nalikali school and school office room roofing work in medikere gp channagiri taluk
karnataka Tenders
Estd. value: View Tender Documents
Due Date: 03/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Military Engineer Services
Repairs to gi pipe line, brick wall, flooring, sanitary fittings, fixtures, ceiling, aluminium partitions, windows, doors, roofing and connected works under ge chennai
chennai Tenders, tamil nadu Tenders
Estd. value: 25 Lakhs
Due Date: 18/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Military Engineer Services
Repair / replacement and day to day maintaince of roof sheeting, ceiling and wooden doors, window, ventilators, scantilings, and other connected wooden joineries of sect i to iv works at age charduar under ge (n) tezpur.
tezpur Tenders, assam Tenders
Estd. value: 50 Lakhs
Due Date: 18/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Military Engineer Services
Ge/chm-74/2024-2025 provn of ladies / gent toilets and addn altn to roof parapets under age b/r iii at chandimandir
haryana Tenders
Estd. value: 49.8 Lakhs
Due Date: 11/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Local Self Government Department
Project no. 651/ 2024-25 -renovation of roof work in govt. lp school veloor ward 26 kottayam municipality
kottayam Tenders, kerala Tenders
Estd. value: 8.5 Lakhs
Due Date: 06/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Public Works Department
Reconstruction & restoration on eversunny to golcha bhont road in km. 0/00 to 6/320 (sah;- construction of retaining wall at rd. 1/300 to 1/310). 02) improvement of road from bhatta kuffer aimss (igmc phase-ii) km. 0/00 to 2/400 (sh:- improvement of road side on congested spot for providing passing place at rd. 0/600). 03) reconstruction & restoration on link road to village chelly in km. 0/00 to 1/00 (sh:- construction of retaining wall at rd. 0/345 to 0/351). 04) a/r & m/o various type-iii & type-iv gad at kasumpti shimla-9 (sh;- repair work in toilet, bathroom, kitchen, p/f cupboard, white washing/distempering etc in type-iii set no.21 and 17 and cupboard in type-iv set no.50 under kasumpti shimla-9)..05) construction of kanola to chabalri road in km. 0/00 to 4/00 (sh: providing and laying & preparation sub-grade, gsb in km. 0/00 to 0/645). 06) repair to store at tarapur at red. 11/600 (sh:- construction of pwd shed at rd. 11/600). 07) reconstruction & restoration on ever sunny to pagog road km. 0/00 to 5/00 (sh:-construction of breast wall at rd. 4/672 to 4/679.50). 08) construction of roof over public siting portion & passage for entry to stp super speciality hospital chamiyana (sh:- providing and fixing steel work. roofing work etc). 09) up-gradation of road i/c f/d from sanjulli bye pass to village china in km. 0/00 to 3/00 in distt. shimla (hp) (sh:- preparation of technical sanction, working estimated and dnit) 10) reconstruction & restoration on tipra to patgair road in km. 6/885 to 14/930 (sh:- maintenance of drain. trimming of grass, white washing at rd. 10/885 to 12/885). 12) a/r & m/o to various roads under bharari section (sh:- maintenance of drain. culvert and shoulders).
shimla Tenders, himachal pradesh Tenders
Estd. value: 5 Lakhs
Due Date: 05/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Military Engineer Services
Repairs/replacement to roof sheets, roof truss, leakage/seepage, rcc roof, door, windows, ventilations & sanitary fittings and appliance, hdpe tanks,concrete tanks including cleaning overhead services tanks at wnc (o) mess imsc and certain other buildings under age b/r-i under ge (nw) nofra
mumbai Tenders, maharashtra Tenders
Estd. value: 1.5 Crores
Due Date: 23/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
Aligarh Muslim University
Supply of - re-roofing of floow visualising lab main building zhcet. | quantity - 1 | msme exemption - no | startup exemption - no
aligarh Tenders, uttar pradesh Tenders
Estd. value: 24.7 Lakhs
Due Date: 18/12/2024
Last Updated on: 02/12/2024
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Frequently asked questions
What are the top 5 latest Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders in India?
There are 226 Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders available on our platform, across uttar pradesh, rajasthan, kerala for you to explore. We add new tenders to the platform every day ensuring that you get access to the latest tenders only. Some of the most-viewed latest Roofing & siding & sheet metal work eTenders you can find are:
What are recently expiring tenders for Roofing & siding & sheet metal work in India?
When applying for government contracts, it is important to keep a check on the opening and closing dates. Since the tendering process today is carried out online, you cannot apply for a relevant tender if you miss the due date. Some of Roofing & siding & sheet metal work online tenders that are expiring soon are:
Which is least value govt. eTender for Roofing & siding & sheet metal work?
It is understandable if you want to explore government contracting opportunities with smaller projects, especially if you are an emerging business/MSME and trying tendering for the first time. On our platform, we have the latest Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders, with estimated value as low as ₹ -. Listed below are some of the low-value government Roofing & siding & sheet metal work eTenders in 2024:
Which are the highest value tenders in Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders?
As an emerging business trying your hand at government eProcurement opportunities, applying for high-value Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders can be a turning point for your business. It will bring credibility to your business and a steady flow of income, and open doors to new opportunities. If relevant, do not miss out on applying to some of the top high value Roofing & siding & sheet metal work eProcurement tenders available:
How to find relevant Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders on Tata nexarc portal?
We value time and keep the process of finding relevant tenders quick and simple. As a potential bidder for Roofing & siding & sheet metal work eTenders, simply follow the below mentioned steps: (a) Register on Tata nexarc with business PAN, email id, and other details, (b) Login and create a Tender Watch to set your preferences (e.g., find Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders in jhalawar, kolkata, katihar ), (c) Update details related to product and/or service, category and more, (d) Search for tenders using keywords for city, state, industry and other fields (e) Select a growth plan and activate subscription for Tenders & Quotations, (f) Get email/SMS alerts on relevant tenders, view documents, and get Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tender information relevant to you.
What are the total live/active tenders available for Roofing & siding & sheet metal work?
We have 226 tenders on the platform to help you in your growth journey. You can use the filter option to find the latest tenders published, the live and active tenders, the ones expiring soon and more. Also, keep check on our email/SMS alerts to ensure that you don not miss an update.
Which cities have the highest number of Roofing & siding & sheet metal work tenders in India?
Tenders for Roofing & siding & sheet metal work are floated by government departments, PSUs, ministries across Indian cities. This not only gives an opportunity for regional small businesses to apply, but also maintains a balance of healthy competition between local and national players. Some of the top Indian cities with Roofing & siding & sheet metal work local tenders are: