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Logistics and Courier Charges from Dharwad to Solan for different shipments
Weight in KG
Lowest Price
Lowest TAT (days)
Cheapest LSPs
Available LSPs |
50 | 1,780 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
100 | 2,265 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
200 | 3,236 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
300 | 4,442 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
400 | 5,883 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
500 | 7,324 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
600 | 8,765 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
700 | 10,206 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
800 | 11,648 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
900 | 13,089 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
1,000 | 14,530 | 13 | SCORPION | 1 | Ship Now |
Why Choose Us ?
Affordable and Hassle Free cargo movement for your business.
One Platform for all logistics needs
Get Bulk Rates for small orders
Choose for Multiple Partners
Amazing Customer Support
Frequently asked questions
Which cities in India do you serve?
At Tata nexarc Logistics, we currently ship across 19,000+ pincodes in India. Check serviceability and book your shipment now.
How to find out if you deliver to a pincode?
This is easy. Use our Shipping Rate Estimator on the Tata nexarc Logistics page to fill in the pickup and delivery pincode. If we offer services in the pincode, a ‘green tick’ will appear meaning ‘Serviceable’. For instance, if you want to check the serviceability and domestic shipping rates from Dharwad to Solan - Enter the pincode for Dharwad as ‘Pickup pincode’ and Solan as ‘Delivery pincode’ and know instantly if we can serve the locations.
How many logistics partners are there for Dharwad to Solan?
There are currently 4 courier service providers on our platform that ship between Dharwad and Solan cities.
How much does it cost to ship between Dharwad to Solan?
The delivery rates from Dharwad to Solan depend on different factors such as: distance covered (i.e., distance in kms between Dharwad and Solan), the volumetric weight of the parcel and the logistics partner selected.
Standard shipping tariffs from Dharwad to Solan for a 100kg parcel starts from Rs. 2,265 and can go up based on the distance, parcel weight and the courier logistics partner.
Do you provide door-to-door pickup and delivery services between Dharwad and Solan?
All Tata nexarc Logistics shipments are for doorstep pickup and delivery. Before making a booking simply use our Shipping Rate Estimator calculator to check if the pickup and delivery pin codes are serviceable. If yes, then go ahead, update the consignment details, and book your shipment.
Can I choose a logistics partner for courier shipping between Dharwad and Solan?
Absolutely. When booking, the estimates are provided by the different logistics partners. You can select the partner you want to work with and proceed.
How to choose a logistics partner for my shipments?
You can easily choose a logistics partner for your shipments.
How to pay for logistics services from Dharwad to Solan?
Once you Confirm Shipment, you will be redirected to the payments page. All payment details on transport cost from Dharwad to Solan will be visible upfront, with no hidden charges. You can pay for your shipment based on your preferred payment mode.
Once the payment is processed your order will be confirmed and you will get the order confirmation details.
Are there any discounts available on bulk booking between Dharwad and Solan?
For any discounts and bulk booking rates for packaging and moving charges from Dharwad to Solan, please contact our customer support team for special price offers.
How can I track my shipment status when transporting goods between Dharwad and Solan cities?
When you book a shipment on Tata nexarc Logistics, you can track your shipment on the platform. You need to login to the platform and check the order status for real-time updates.